The 3-day seminar titled “Religious Universities and Specialties Coordination Affairs” of the Directorate of Religious Universities and Specialties of the Ministry of Higher Education ended successfully by the speech and advice of the Amir ul momineen.

Wed, May 08 2024 4:19 AM

The above mentioned seminar was held for the directors, teachers and assistants of the Directorate of Religious Universities and Specialties and started by the speech of the Acting Minister of Higher Education, Shiekh ul Hadith Mawlavi Nida Mohammad Nadeem.
The acting minister of higher education talked about the need and purpose of the seminar. In addition, he also talked about the standardizations of the Religious Universities and Specialties, training of students, effective methods of teaching and the importance of Qaza and Iftah.
In addition to that, some of the directors of the different organizations, also explained the topics, which have been barriers for them.
Also, a number of teachers of the Abdullah bin Masoud University, gave lectures on the ideal methods of teaching some subjects, school (library) management, the principles and strategies of writing essays and academic journals.
It is worth mentioning that on the last day of the seminar, all the participants of the gathering were pleaded to visit the leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. And the seminar ended with a blessed and holy speech.
The main and vital points of the Leader of the Islamic Emirate:
1: Among the creations of Allah, Scholars are the beloved servants, the righteous servants of Allah and the heirs of the Prophets, the guardians of Allah's religion, the enforcers of Allah's religion, and the people chosen by Allah. Scholars have been in the service of Jihad throughout their lives. So these are the scholars who have kept alive the Sunnah of the messenger of Allah.
2: Amir ul momineen, emphasized sincerity in his speech and said that sincerity is very important in everything, in order to properly protect religion, it takes a lot of effort to become a servant of religion. In order to train the future generations in a brilliant way, your duty is very appreciated, train them properly and keep the profane away from the phone in madrasahs and universities. In this regard, we also wrote recommendations to madrasahs to keep the students away from the phone, because the phone wastes their teaching and study time.
3: The position of Iftah is a very great position in my heart. Iftah is the principle of religion. Mufti is the one who teaches the religion to the people. If he has done it, if he has graduated from the major period, then bring him to the specialty of Iftah and Qaza. Do not admit those who are not ready and apologize from them.
4: My ministers are nice people. They always obey me, and I am very happy with them. Obey, appreciate and respect them.
5: As it is obvious. the education of private specializations was not standard and they did not have the ability and possibilities according to the needs of the specialization. Therefore, we have created universities of specializations in the zones of the country. We have all the possibilities at our disposal. In order to be able to train men in the judicial and legal fields of the Islamic system and present them to the society for service, the doors of these universities and specializations are open to all qualified scholars and teachers. They can participate in the universities of the zones by fulfilling the conditions, we provide them with the necessary facilities.
6: Amir ul momineen said that the students have to be lectured and given certificate according to their qualifications.
7: Scholars should make the people aware from the benefits of the Islamic system, prevent differences and deviations and lead them away from disobedience of leaders. If you see the decree against the Sharia, then throw it away.
8: After the domination, we have pardoned all our opponents, live with them as brothers, they are our people, we did not aim to kill Afghans before, and now we do not intend to harm them. However, those who were killed by us were because of going in front of the enemies.
This was also the demand of the people from the scholars, but the non-Muslims get sad to see us unified. 
9: The non-Muslim world wants to separate religion and politics. Even in Islamic countries, scholars do not participate in politics, and if they enter politics, then they cannot talk about religion even in the courtyard of the seminary.
After the speech of Amir ul momineen, one of the participants of the seminar spoke on behalf of the participants, Shiekh Abdul Malik Noioazai, the Director of Abdullah bin Masoud Religious University, said that scholars are standing behind their leader.
And they accept his orders. In his speech, he talked about the mission of religious universities and specializations, and the training of students who are academically strong and ethically honest, he mentioned the important part of this mission, and he considered it his responsibility to protect the intellectual boundaries of society.
The seminar ended with the Dua of Amir ul Momineen. In addition to meet all the participants, he hoped to shake hands and not get tired. He also led the prayer in the afternoon and took leave after the prayer.

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