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Minister's Biography

Sheikh Al Hadith Mwalawi Nida Mohammad Nadeem, who is the son of Haji Juma Khan and the grandson of Khdai Rahim, was born in Kandahar province in the year of 1978. He has 10 members in his family, and completed his education in a Religious Madrasa.
The Acting Minister of Higher Education, Mr. Nadeem also performed different responsibilities.
For instance,
Chairman of the Dawat and Irshad. (2012-2013)
Head of Military cycle. (2013-2016)
Administrative Assistant for Intelligence. (2016-2020)
Governor of Nangarhar Province. 1/1/2020-6/1/2020.
Governor of Kabul Province. 1/1/2022-6/2022.
Currently, The Acting Minister of Higher Education.
Social, Political and Academic Activities:
In 2015, he established Hakimya Madrasa and taught there for 8 years.
During the immigration, he was the teacher of small period of religious scholars.
Furthermore, he can also speak Pashto, Dari and Arabic