Announcement of Invitation to Bid


Publish Date

Closing Date

Location Kabul

Title: Project of Provision and Procurement 40 Units Printer Cartridges and Photo Copies Machines for Central Offices of Ministry for the Financial Year of 1400 Persian Calendar.  

Request for quotation NO: MOHE/GOV-O/1400/NCB/G-022

Ministry of higher education invite all eligible bidders to participate in the competitive request for quotations process project of Provision and Procurement 40 Units Printer Cartridges and Photo Copies Machines for Central Offices of Ministry for the Financial Year of 1400 Persian Calendar and received printed copy of relevant condition document and the soft forms in the memory or flash free from the directorate of suppliance and procurement of higher education. present their offers according to the inserted terms of condition and policy of procurement from the date of issuance of condition up to 22 days to the directorate of suppliance and procurement of higher education ministry, located in kart-e- char third district Kabul Afghanistan. Late and online offer shall not be accepted. Assurance of the offer is via banking (100,000) 1 Lac Afghanis.

The session of inauguration the offers will be held in the directorate meeting office of suppliance and procurement of higher education ministry.

Communication Contact Person: Mohammad Hassan Aslami

Contact Number: 0202514078 / 0798574200

Email:  Copy

آخرین اطلاعیه ها

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اعلان تدارکاتی

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