Message of the Minister of Higher Education

2 months ago

Dear compatriots!

The development of a nation depends on a quality higher educational system. The past four decades of wars had damaged educational and academic institutions along with other parts of the country.
Alhamdulillah, the country once again breathed his life under the shadow of the Islamic system, and the time has come to work tirelessly for the country's educational self-sufficiency in the light of Islamic and national values.

To have a self-sufficient Afghanistan, we need to invest on the country’s educational institutions respondent to the global standards and in accordance to the needs of the society.
Our aim is to establish a quality and standard higher education system in the country respondent to the work market and has regional and global prestige.


Shaikh Ul Hadith Mawlawi Nida Mohammad Nadeem

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أحد, مارس 31 2024 10:44 صباحا
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التقی في مكتبه، النائب الشؤون المالية والإدارية بوزارة التعليم العالي مع رئيس قسم الطوارئ في منظمة الصحة العالمية الدكتور محمد تاهون.

مولوي حافظ محمد حامد حسيب نائب المالية والإدارة بوزارة التعليم العالي، كما حضر رئيس جامعة كابول للعلوم الطبية ومستشفى علي أباد التعليمية، تحدث مع رئيس قسم الطوارئ بمنظمة الصحة العالمية. . .