Scholarships Announcement – in (BS, MS, Ph.D.) in Romania




Location Romania

Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed of the scholarships in bachelor, master, and Ph.D. granted by the Romanian government for the academic year 2021-2022 in different fields except in fields of medicine (medical), dental (Stomatology) medicine, and pharmacy for non-European Union countries and has asked for candidates introduction, meeting the following conditions along with completed attested documents.

  • Filled-out application form;
  • Copy of diploma and transcripts together with their English translation;
  • Copy of birth certificate and official English translation;
  • Copy of the first three pages of the passport;
  • Health insurance;
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV);
  • Letter of intent only for Ph.D. candidates;

Eligibility Criteria for Candidates:

  • Scholarship applicants schools three-years scores’ percentage must not be less than 70% for bachelor’s scholarship.
  • Scholarship applicants of bachelor should not have less than 65% for master’s scholarship.

The applicants can directly send the related documents electronically to email address { }, and the original documents physically or DHL postal services before May 5, 2021, equivalent to (1399/2/16) to scholarship granted country. Otherwise, applications submitted after due date are not taken into consideration. It is said that monthly university fees, accommodation and a monthly financial aid as 65 EURO for undergraduate/bachelor students, amount of 75 EURO for master students, 85 EURO for Ph.D. students, is provided by Romanian government while transport cost from home country to Romania and back is on candidates/students. Meanwhile, applicants should know Romanian language otherwise they have to stay for one year in host country to master the language. For more information and getting application form visit the link  of the ministry of foreign affairs of Romanian state.

Therefore, candidates with on hand documents can refer to stall no 21 general reception office of the ministry of higher education and submit soft scan-forms of all required documents to the ministry of higher education before 1399/12/28 Persian calendar. It can follow through official channel, too.

Please note that transfer of applicants’ documents can be done by candidate through DHL.

Click on the following links for more information.

1. Link

2. Link

3. Link

4. Link


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Scholarships Announcement – in (BS, MS, Ph.D.) in Romania

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